Once your dissertation is ready for editing, send me an e-mail (amy.gralewski@gmail.com) with your document, any deadlines, and any other information that might be helpful to me during the editing process (e.g., comments made by your committee about your project). If I do not have a copy of your school’s requirements, I will ask you to send that once I look at the file.
I do not block out time in advance, and at different times of the year the demand is higher. Once you are ready to start the editing, I will give you a start date, estimated completion date (typically 5 to 7 business days), and the cost for the editing.
Once we agree on the terms, our e-mail communication is considered to be a binding contract. I start the editing based on the time frame we set and ask that you hold off on making any additional changes while I complete the editing.
I require full payment (by PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle) before I return the edited file.
Once the editing is complete, I send you the file showing the changes using Track Changes and comments as well as a version with all changes accepted and only my comments. You are then responsible for making any necessary changes. After you address all of the comments, you can send the document back to me for a spot check of the changes before you send it to your committee.